Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Science Fair Projects

Mmmmm .... Looking at this website made me wax nostalgic.
I was wearing my Joseph Henry science fair t-shirt today under
my hoodie. I always went to the Joseph Henry, but I never won
anything cooler than a one-potato-two-potato clock. I think
all of these kids deserve a pat on the back for brightening my day
with their ridiculous posters.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Look at who got invited to the pub med party!

This abstract is funny because the names of the trials that were reviewed in the paper included acronyms like CARESS, COMMIT, and CLARITY.

This is a first for Christine.... the first of many.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Riddle me this.

"The sun even shines on a dog's ass, sometimes."

Have you ever heard someone say this?... Is this something that people say? I like this one. I heard someone say this in a coffee shop over a game of chess. I aspire to say this as often as I can, at appropriate times.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

To the Teeth

My 2nd wisdom tooth crowned today. Yippie!
My teeth are super late bloomers. This is a big
deal in my world. My mouth and teeth are a focal
point for me. When I feel a sharp twinge of emotion
it manifests itself as acute pain in my jaw, because
of this I have always been drawn to tooth imagery.
Many people experience dreams that involve tooth
imagery, teeth falling out, teeth crumbling, etc..
There are lots of different interpretations of these
types of dreams. These analyses usually point to
anxiety, stress, or a focus on mortality as the
instigators. I dig it. I love concepts that tie the
corpus to the psyche. It is a reminder that the
mind-body duality is a load of honkey. Honkey,
I say!

Book Club Plug: If you like magical realism and
tooth imagery I recommend Isabel Allende's
House of Spirits.
This book is the bomb.

(disclaimer: I do not actually have a book club.)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Here's a thought

I downloaded audacity on to my computer recently
and I've been having a ball playing around. I am pretty
much addicted to the echo effect. I'll import anything
from my itunes and echo-it-up... It feels so good. So,
getting to the thought I had regarding this ... I don't
know if this is true for everyone but I get this neat
sensation when I listen to echo-y music. I've been
trying to think of a comparable sensations. I think
it's similar to when your body moves through space,
and you become highly aware of that space and its
boundaries. You know like when your doing some
freestyle/extreme walking or ninja moves in your
dojo or ballin' in the park. It's a really self-affirming
feeling to know that your body is moving in space.
I think that echoes in music produce a sense of
space in your mind's eye/ear. This is pleasurable
perhaps for the reasons that moving and feeling
yourself in space are pleasurable. Echoes add
depth, location, and space to music, which dovetails
nicely with the idea of "being in" a piece of music,
seeing or sensing its topography.
Mmmmm Mmmmm.... Synesthesia!

Once upon a time I started to read a book....
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man... The book opens with
the main character chillin' in his dank basement crib
(see above). I forget why, but he has mad light bulbs.
He smokes a doobie and then listens to a piece of music.
The reader is privy to his mind's eye as he experiences
the topography of this song. I think the images that the
song conjures in his mind speak to the history and plight
of African Americans. I remember enjoying this part of
the book, super trippy. I never finished this book. Boo!
I wish I could write like that, damn.