Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I wrote a poem

It's short... and I think it's pretty sweet.

euro-trash man-stallion

by Christine

I can't feel my balls,
my pants are too tight.
I can't feel my brain,
my hair is too beautiful.

(There are a number of people that I could
dedicate this to, but I think Loza deserves it
the most. Merry Christmas!)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've got 99 problems... but your mom ain't one.


I haven't written anything here for while.
Would you like an update on me?
I got in a car accident. I'm fine, but my
car got totaled. Boo! I have lots of work
at work! I am editing (read as "rewriting")
3 papers for publication written by 6th
year pharmacy students. Let's just say
that pharmacy schools don't have writing
classes. Boo! I wrote a chapter for a book
on current pain treatments. My chapter
was about sleep and pain. Here's an ironic
image: Christine working on her lap-top
feverishly at 3 in the morning. Sitting next
to her are three hard bound volumes on
sleep deprivation. The conclusion of the
chapter can be summarized in one sentence:
"Sleep deprivation gives you enhanced
perception of pain." Boo.

Hmmmmm... that's about it.
Boooo... I am a super downer.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Crouching Tiger, Flying Squirrel

One night I was on a roof top on the East Hill in Ithaca and was treated to the site of flying squirrels... flying! Wheeee..... I had not realized that the (Northern) Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) lived in New York.... But there they were!!! If you want to see flying squirrels you should probably find a vantage point that overlooks some quiet woods, with tall trees... You'll need a substantial light source, or else you'll never see the little buggers... Oh and, of course, go at night, because they are nocturnal.

If you ever go to Switzerland you may have the chance to see Glaucomys sapiens. Although this species is rare (due to a pathologic, genetic syndrome that attracts them to situations that are tantamount to suicide), they are easily spotted, because they are larger and diurnal. Some are loud and brightly pigmented.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

... Oh.... excuse me....

First, we have bar shaped like a rectum (officially named Bar Rectum), and then we have a house shaped like a toilet. I am going to start compiling a list of artists/poop-enthusiasts so that I'll have a lot of people to contact once my plans for DoodieLand (a poop themed theme park) start to come together. God bless modern art.