Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've got 99 problems... but your mom ain't one.


I haven't written anything here for while.
Would you like an update on me?
I got in a car accident. I'm fine, but my
car got totaled. Boo! I have lots of work
at work! I am editing (read as "rewriting")
3 papers for publication written by 6th
year pharmacy students. Let's just say
that pharmacy schools don't have writing
classes. Boo! I wrote a chapter for a book
on current pain treatments. My chapter
was about sleep and pain. Here's an ironic
image: Christine working on her lap-top
feverishly at 3 in the morning. Sitting next
to her are three hard bound volumes on
sleep deprivation. The conclusion of the
chapter can be summarized in one sentence:
"Sleep deprivation gives you enhanced
perception of pain." Boo.

Hmmmmm... that's about it.
Boooo... I am a super downer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh man. i wish i had a recipe for great big life cookies