Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monkeys at Typewriters

You know that saying about a bunch of monkeys
in a room at typewriters. Something like, "If you
have enough monkeys and you let them type
for long enough, eventually, by chance, they will
write a novel." Kind of like if you have the right
elements sitting in a pool of sludge together randomly
getting struck by lightning, eventually, by chance,
life will emerge.

Something similar happens with spam these days I
think. You know those non-sense junk mails you get
that sometimes have attachments that you don't open
because there is 97% chance that they are a virus.
There must be some kind of program(s) that
automatically formulate non-sense text for these
emails so that they aren't recognized as spam by filters.
I think these programs grab text from somewhere on the
net and then cannibalize it and puke it out all scrambled.
Sometimes I take time out to read this non-sense text, and,
more often than one would think, it sounds like poetry.
Just like a novel from monkeys and life from sludge, spam
poetry is inevitable. I recently received this text in a
spam email.


A spam poem by "Orlando Baldwin"

martyrdom sicily sicily
infield impelled cabinetmake
hays riga arragon gullet quay
dun formosa gullet
jerusalem heptane anemone calder
lair objectivity aforementioned sicily

I especially like the flow of the last line. I am kind of sad
that this might be a better poem than I will ever be able to
write, and it might as well have been written by a couple
monkeys on typewriters. This is why I love the internet,
it's like an organic microcosm, junk like this just

p.s. I think I'm going to start an Italian death metal band
called "Martyrdom Sicily Sicily". Large, bloody meatballs
will rain from the sky while we perform.


Alex said...

Hey X-ine, love your blog!

I recently got this gem in my spambox:

by Erwin Fedyk

king sized.
Thats how my dick is now described

I think you're on to something here...

Unknown said...

This is why I love the internet,
it's like an organic microcosm, junk like this just

i like this. i think this is a great idea. i'm going to think on this one for a while.
the other day kelvin, asked his friend what the limits of the internet were. what a weirdo.