Saturday, December 15, 2007

To the Teeth

My 2nd wisdom tooth crowned today. Yippie!
My teeth are super late bloomers. This is a big
deal in my world. My mouth and teeth are a focal
point for me. When I feel a sharp twinge of emotion
it manifests itself as acute pain in my jaw, because
of this I have always been drawn to tooth imagery.
Many people experience dreams that involve tooth
imagery, teeth falling out, teeth crumbling, etc..
There are lots of different interpretations of these
types of dreams. These analyses usually point to
anxiety, stress, or a focus on mortality as the
instigators. I dig it. I love concepts that tie the
corpus to the psyche. It is a reminder that the
mind-body duality is a load of honkey. Honkey,
I say!

Book Club Plug: If you like magical realism and
tooth imagery I recommend Isabel Allende's
House of Spirits.
This book is the bomb.

(disclaimer: I do not actually have a book club.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooo. me likey this post. i too have intense physical reactions in my teeth to anxiety and depression. have you ever been riding a crowded city bus and the way your coat rubs agaist your arm and the sound of the woman humming behind you and the thoughts of the bad interaction you had with your boss all manifest in intense physical discomfort?

when being in a unpleasant to horrible mindstate is physically painful, that's when you're like: i might be crazy.